Earlier today, Microsoft unveiled that four Xbox 360 games have been made Xbox One X enhanced. Those games are The Witcher 2, Fable Anniversary, Forza Horizon, and Crackdown.

By enhancing Crackdown, the game has also been introduced into the backward compatibility program. Crackdown had been one of Microsoft’s biggest IPs that was missing from the program. This allows for new players of the franchise to become familiar with gameplay mechanics in time for the impending release of Crackdown 3, which will be out later this year. Crackdown 3 was previously slated for late 2017 but was delayed to 2018.

Xbox 360 games being enhanced is not a strange occurrence. Skate 3, Oblivion, and Halo 3 are among the few that have been modified to run better on Xbox One X consoles. One X enhanced games are able to run at nine times the resolution and have increased texture details, making the games 4k rather than the normal 720p. These additions bring the number of Xbox 360 enhanced games to 11.

The backward compatibility program allows for Xbox One users to play last generation games on newer consoles. Hit franchises such as Mass Effect, Bioshock, and Gears of War are available in full and can run better than they had on the Xbox 360.

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