Jason Ward of MakingStarWars.com has posted George Lucas’ sequel trilogy treatment, primarily what The Force Awakens was originally supposed to be, and it eerily matches some of the spoilers we have received.
- Rey goes in hiding with Luke at the same time for the same reason.
- Rey is the daughter of Han Solo and Princess Leia, which is a spoiler we have received (sorry Reylos!)
- A specific lightsaber (Anakin’s?) can open a tomb in which an ancient evil being (The Son?) dwells. Rey protects this lightsaber.
- Kylo Ren (much like in the early concepts) collects Sith artifacts in to try to open this tomb.
- Luke is haunted by evil spirits and is half crazy. His purpose is to protect this tomb with his life.
- Luke is guarding the tomb, which is a Sith tomb, from Kylo Ren. As stated before, Kylo is trying to open this tomb to release an ancient evil. This is why Luke and Rey are in exile.
- Han is protective of his daughter and doesn’t want her to be a part of this plan.
- Rey is Rey Solo.
- The crystal in Rey’s lightsaber is the key to opening the tomb.
Well, this is interesting! If true, it sounds much like some of the spoilers we have received for The Rise of Skywalker. This ancient being sounds like he could be The Son, or some equivalent. It explains why Anakin’s lightsaber is so important in The Force Awakens, which was completely ignored by Rian Johnson, as JJ Abrams did establish this. It is not stated whether Kylo is Han and Leia’s son, but Rey is Han’s daughter. In The Force Awakens, if we didn’t know any better, the relationship between Rey and Han is very much like that of a father and his child. We have also found evidence that Rey is a Solo/Skywalker in The Rise of Skywalker.
All of this is incredibly interesting and Jason Ward has a stellar track record. If this is all true, it points to many plot points that have been alluded to in The Rise of Skywalker and George Lucas was involved in writing the script and scenario with JJ Abrams.
If these plot points are in fact incorporated in some way in The Rise of Skywalker, it may be the best Star Wars film of all time.