The Batman The Telltale Series — Realm of Shadows trailer has premiered alongside a press release by Telltale Games, as well as a launch date. The episode is set to come out on August 2. The game will be available for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PC, Mac, and iOS and Android devices.

In the trailer, narrated by Alfred, there is a very interesting piece of dialogue: “There is room for Bruce and Batman in that suit.” This goes hand-in-hand with what Telltale is trying to accomplish, in balancing the characters, showing Batman in half the scenes and then Bruce in the other half. The quote may actually allude to something more, that the Batman and Bruce Wayne personas will eventually merge. If that were the case, this will be one of the most unique stories about The Dark Knight ever told. We were very impressed by what we saw at E3 2016, and the Batman The Telltale Series — Realm of Shadows trailer has us even more excited.

Half of the scenes in Batman The Telltale Series — Ream of Shadows trailer are taken from the demo we were able to witness at E3. If the trailer and demo are any indication, this has all the makings of a classic Batman tale and could be one of the definitive takes on the narrative.