It has been confirmed by Activision that Call of Duty Modern Warfare will have cross-play between the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. In addition to this, there will be no season pass for the title. So in addition to a campaign mode, which was one thing Black Ops IIII was criticized for because of a lack of one, there will be no season pass. No paying extra for DLC. You pay for the game and nothing else. In addition to this, the game will feature cross-play between all three major systems. This is huge, as last year, Sony was heavily criticized for not allowing cross-play on their system. Cross play benefits everyone. I remember playing the original Modern Warfare on PC and it was so much fun. Having the opportunity to play with gamers on other systems will only enhance the experience.

This is huge. Call of Duty has been heavily criticized in the past for their season passes. When Infinite Warfare was revealed at the PlayStation 2016 press briefing, people sitting by me were actually laughing. Activision is finally listening to gamers and setting themselves up for what possibly may be the best game this holiday season. It will propel Call of Duty back to relevance. The Modern Warfare is beloved by all, and as long as it sets itself apart from the original, Activision, and Infinity Ward in turn, will have a hit on their hands.

About The Author


Morgan Lewis is a Video Game Journalist and is the Founder, Owner, and Editor-in-Chief of VGCultureHQ. He has been writing about games for eight years and has written 3,000 articles during that timeframe. He first fell in love with gaming when he received A Link to the Past for Christmas when he was six, and is the guywazeldatatt. He also loves anime and anything that has to do with gaming culture. He is a huge fan of Zelda, Xenosaga, Zero Escape, Star Wars, and Attack on Titan.

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