New details have surfaced about the game based on the hit anime series by Bones, My Hero Academia: One’s Justice. Developed by Byking and published by Bandai Namco, this battle-action game shows some promise. Despite reservations, even the Attack on Titan video game was a lot of fun, so this should be no different. Fighting with Quirks will be a blast, especially “One for All.”

The game has currently only revealed two characters: a Hero and a Villain. Being that it is based on one of the most popular anime series’ of the last two years, with season three just announced, the game should be loads of fun.

Hero: Izuku Midoriya

Izuku Midoriya is the protagonist of the series with the quirk “One for All”. In the game, you’ll be able to use quirks in order to fight villains in a world filled with Superheroes. While Midoriya is the only Hero that has been revealed so far, the cast of the series is so varied that there are bound to be more playable heroes that lie in wait, especially All Might himself.

Villain: Tomura Shigaraki

Togura is the main villain in the series thus far and seems to get in Midoriya’s way at every turn. His quirk is Decay, which allows himself to erode anything he touches. He is the leader of the League of Villains and his goal is to kill Deku’s (Midoriya’s hero name) mentor, All Might. His background hasn’t been revealed in the anime, but parts have been in the manga. It’s unknown if villains will be playable, but given the nature of the series, it seems likely.

While a release date has not yet been revealed, the game will be showcased later this month at Jump Festa 18, which runs from December 16 to December 17. A teaser trailer will debut on the 16th.

My Hero Academia: One’s Justice is being released for the PlayStation 4 and the Nintendo Switch at an unspecified date.

Plus Ultra!

About The Author


Morgan Lewis is a Video Game Journalist and is the Founder, Owner, and Editor-in-Chief of VGCultureHQ. He has been writing about games for eight years and has written 3,000 articles during that timeframe. He first fell in love with gaming when he received A Link to the Past for Christmas when he was six, and is the guywazeldatatt. He also loves anime and anything that has to do with gaming culture. He is a huge fan of Zelda, Xenosaga, Zero Escape, Star Wars, and Attack on Titan.

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