This week, John Boyega’s agent stated that it was “confirmed” that a new The Rise of Skywalker trailer was coming this Monday. Well Boyega is seemingly doubling down on this, posting this on Instagram this morning.

Now, this could be an innocent post, but with all the talk of a trailer coming this Monday during Monday Night Football and his agent’s post, this has to be more than a coincidence. The trailer itself will be interesting, because it could confirm or deny many of the leaks making the rounds, including our own. Will Palpatine make an appearance? Will we see more of the fateful confrontation between Rey and Kylo Ren? There are so many questions to answer, not to mention Dark Rey, who will undoubtedly not make an appearance, as that goes too far into spoiler territory.

The Rise of Skywalker Massive Spoilers

Matt Dallas has revealed that Lucasfilm and JJ Abrams are well aware of the fan backlash from The Last Jedi and are doing their best to rectify the mess it’s caused for the Sequel Trilogy. The trailer should give us an inkling of what to expect while still leaving a ton of surprises, and I for one am very excited for the conclusion of the Skywalker Saga.

The Rise of Skywalker opens in theaters on December 20 and a new The Rise of Skywalker trailer will air Monday, if Boyega and his agent are to be believed.

About The Author


Morgan Lewis is a Video Game Journalist and is the Founder, Owner, and Editor-in-Chief of VGCultureHQ. He has been writing about games for eight years and has written 3,000 articles during that timeframe. He first fell in love with gaming when he received A Link to the Past for Christmas when he was six, and is the guywazeldatatt. He also loves anime and anything that has to do with gaming culture. He is a huge fan of Zelda, Xenosaga, Zero Escape, Star Wars, and Attack on Titan.

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