Jackbox Games has just announced the release date for their upcoming title, Jackbox Party Pack 6According to the company, the game is set to launch Thursday, October 17 for all major digital systems. This includes, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, PC, iOS, and many more.

The full lineup of games to be featured in this upcoming iteration are as follows:

Trivia Murder Party 2 – The highly requested trivia game is back. Since its initial inclusion in Jackbox Party Pack 3, fans have been clamoring for its return. In this title, answering a question wrong can be the difference between life and death.

Dictionarium – A brand new dictionary game that lets users come up with their own definitions of random words. For instance, the word “blarnkt” can mean anything that someone wants. Each player must invent the meaning, show a synonym, and use it in a sentence in order for the crowd to vote which is the best use.

Push the Button – Here, users must try to figure out who is the alien of the group. They’re hiding among the group and the only way to tell is by their responses to drawings. Players are given a drawing prompt and must complete except the alien has a slightly different one. It is very similar to Guesspionage from Jackbox Party Pack 3. 

Joke Boat – Players must create their own stand up comedy act to out perform their friends. Everyone will perform a fill in the blank style card to create punchlines and catch phrases that the group votes on. This appears very similar to last year’s Mad Verse City, except without the battling portion.

Role Models – This portion has players take the role of guinea pigs in a mad scientist’s laboratory. Players must then attribute a “role” to each other in a particular category, such as “Who is the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland?”  There’s also much more than just pop culture references, like “Deepest Fears” and “Excuses for Being Late.”

Jackbox Party Pack 6 is set to launch on all major platforms for $29.99. Pre-orders are currently available for PC and Mac. For a limited time, pre-orders are discounted for $24.99.

For our review of last year’s Jackbox Party Pack 5, click here.