Ai: The Somnium Files was a wonderfulu adventure game by the well-renowned mind behind the Zero Escape Franchise, Kotaro Uchikoshi. Ai: The Somnium Files nirvanA promises to be even better. The game introduces a two-protagonist system; You will play Mizuki, has in the original game (though now six years later.) Your fellow syncher, Tama, is also playable and he has his own “eye” to boot, named Tama.
Uchikosh has said that playing the second game won’t hinder the experience of playing the original, though I personally can not see that happen but I trust Uchikoshi-san. If the trailer is one thing to go on both Iris and Date will be back, if only in memory. This game appears to have much more philosophical unerpinnings and will no doubt be another hit for Uchikoshi.
Here is the Ai The Somnium Files nirvanA trailer in full.
This game looks even whackier than the original, and tha’s saying something! If the last one is anything to go by, this may just yet be Uchikoshi’s ultimate masterpiece. There are other secondary characters, like Boss and Mama which are in it, that warms my heart. The Somnium Files nirvanA comes out in June.