During the Super Bowl, we got our first glimpse of the upcoming Solo: A Star Wars Story. After much speculation that the film would be delayed due to Ron Howard taking the reigns of the film, it is confirmed that Solo will, in fact, be released in theaters this May. While the trailer is more of a TV spot (it’s only about 45 seconds long), it does its job of being as cryptic as possible while still drumming up hype for the upcoming film. Many feel as that Solo is an unnecessary additive in the Star Wars franchise and aren’t interested, though no doubt, like me, they’ll spend the $15 or so and see the film in theaters when it hits this May.
The trailer is very vague, giving us brief glimpses of various scenes. The only characters whose faces we see are Emilia Clark’s, of Game of Thrones fame, Alden Ehrenreich’s Han Solo, and Donald Glover’s Lando Calrissian. In the beginning of the trailer, it seems as though Solo is joining the Empire, and when asked what branch he is interested, he states he wants to be a pilot, “best in the Galaxy”. The trailer shows an aspect of the Star Wars universe we have never seen before, which makes sense, given Han Solo presumably dwells in the underworld, given the fact that he’s a smuggler. The preview ends showing Han and Chewie from the back.
While Ehrenreich definitely has the look of a young Han Solo nailed, it’s yet to be seen whether he can fill Harrison Ford’s enormous boots. It’s almost a no-win situation given how iconic the character is, but Ron Howard is a fantastic director. Given that he took over the reigns of the film gives fans a little bit of reassurance that this film may end up being much better than expected.
Han Solo: A Star Wars Story will be released this Memorial Day.