Skyward Sword HD is full of plenty of exciting new areas that are rife with exploration. Before we can go to these areas though, there is some preparation necessary, which the fourth entry in our Skyward Sword HD walkthrough outlines.. Before going to Lanayru (or Lanayru Mine, the first area in Lanayru), we must first do a little bit of preparing. A young girl named Kukiel has gone missing and it is our duty to find her. There is a stellar reward for this, so it’s highly recommended you do this quest and the quest where you help Orielle’s injured Loftwing. By doing this, and upgrading your wooden shield completely, you will be ready to enter Lanayru (although to upgrade the shield to its maximum you need a material x3, fairly easy to get, in the Lanayru Desert.) Lanayru is the largest area in the game, rife with secrets and exploration. There are dungeons outside of the main dungeon. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves here, as the purpose of this Skyward Sword HD walkthrough for Lanayru Mine is to prepare you for what’s to come.
This entire area is massive and takes a lot of time, which is why we split it into three videos. We have part five uploading to YouTube now and part six, the Lanayru Mines, will be uploaded shortly after. If you need any additional help, let us know in the comments. Have fun! Skyward Sword HD is the pinnacle of all Zelda games and deserves to be enjoyed as such.