Pokemon GO keeps on evolving. Despite launching roughly four years ago, it still remains one of the most popular mobile games, being the highest-selling mobile game of December 2020. Pokemon is a cultural phenomenon, and this should be no surprise, but still, it’s quite a feat. To think that at one point Nintendo wanted no part of the mobile gaming market. The latest event coming up for Pokemon GO is the Pokemon GO Love Cup, which runs from February 8 through February 15. Here, red or pink Pokemon with 1,500 CP or less battle it out for supremacy. This is presumably their Valentine’s Day event. Not every Pokemon is eligible, and below is a list of all eligible Pokemon. Mythical Pokemon are not allowed to participate, and Galarian Mr. Mime, Galarian Darumaka, and Galarian Darmanitan are not eligible.

Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard, Vileplume, Paras, Parasect, Krabby, Kingler, Voltorb, Electrode, Goldeen, Seaking, Jynx, Magmar, Magikarp, Flareon, Ledyba, Ledian, Ariados, Yanma, Scizor, Slugma, Magcargo, Octillery, Delibird, Porygon2, Magby, Torchic, Combusken, Blaziken, Wurmple, Medicham, Carvanha, Camerupt, Solrock, Corphish, Crawdaunt, Kricketot, Kricketune, Trash Cloak Burmy, Trash Cloak Wormadam, Magmortar, Porygon-Z, Wash Rotom, Tepig, Pignite, Emboar, Pansear, Simisear, Throh, Venipede, Scolipede, Krookodile, Darumaka, Darmanitan, Dwebble, Crustle, Autumn Form Deerling, Spring Form Deerling, Shelmet, Accelgor, Pawniard, Bisharp, Braviary, Heatmor, Fennekin, Braixen, Delphox, Fletchling, Fletchinder, Talonflame, Clefairy, Clefable, Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff, Slowpoke, Slowbro, Exeggcute, Lickitung, Happiny, Chansey, Mr. Mime, Mime Jr., Porygon, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Flaaffy, Hoppip, Slowking, Snubbull, Corsola, Smoochum, Miltank, Blissey, Whismur, Skitty, Milotic, Gorebyss, Luvdisc, Cherubi, Sunny Form Cherrim, Lickilicky, Audino, Alomomola, and Scrafty

This should be quite the event, and it will be interesting to see how many people participate. If the popularity of the game is anything to go by, it should be massive.

About The Author


Morgan Lewis is a Video Game Journalist and is the Founder, Owner, and Editor-in-Chief of VGCultureHQ. He has been writing about games for eight years and has written 3,000 articles during that timeframe. He first fell in love with gaming when he received A Link to the Past for Christmas when he was six, and is the guywazeldatatt. He also loves anime and anything that has to do with gaming culture. He is a huge fan of Zelda, Xenosaga, Zero Escape, Star Wars, and Attack on Titan.

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