A Batman the Animated Series sequel is being developed for HBO Max. Batman the Animated Series has shifted from DC Universe distribution to HBO Max, and there are rumors running amock that a sequel is coming to the beloved series from the ’90s. In a podcast with Matt Bernardin and Kevin Smith, the two addressed the issue. Bernardin firmly labeled this as a rumor.
“”The rumor is that HBO Max is looking at making a Batman: The Animated Series sequel, that they want to continue that forward,” Bernardin said as Smith covered what was very clearly a huge smile on his face.”
Smith responded, he clearly believes this is legitimate and has heard as such from some very reliable people.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Smith said with a twinkle in his eye. “I’m not involved, but I too have heard this and I’ve heard this from very reliable people. When I heard it I freaked out, and I heard this…I would say a month before you just said it. I think that’s real, I don’t think that’s a rumor, I wouldn’t say ‘Set your watch to it,’ but it’s an idea whose time is not only coming, I think it came, and it’s smoking a cigarette. I think that’s gonna happen. How f***ing amazing would that be because you can just literally pick up and keep going. It’s not like, oh we gotta explain why everyone’s older, it’s f***ing animation man so you can go right back to those amazing f***ing stories.
He continued, “That to me is no brainer, you’ve got HBO Max, you’re already doing that amazing Harley Quinn show, you’re printing money if you go back and do Batman: The Animated Series. You can’t f**k up the legacy, that’s for damn sure. You can’t f**k it up, there’s no reason not to do it, as long as you’ve got the key creative components, as long as Bruce Timm is involved, wants to be there. F***ing go for it for heaven’s sakes.”
Smith has reiterated that he is not involved, but it is something he wants to see happen. Are these rumors true? Only time will tell, but considering this is one of the most beloved cartoons and Batman stories ever told, the odds are HBO Max will likely bring it back if it will make them a profit.