In the long-term Sony seems to be lagging behind Microsoft. At E3 2019, Microsoft announced their newest console, codename Scorpion. While not much was revealed, Microsoft also has a plethora of in-house studios to produce exclusive content. Despite the fact that it may seem that Sony is lagging behind, in fact, they’ll still overpower Microsoft in the upcoming console war. The PlayStation brand is simply far too large. They span both the Japanese and American markets, something that the XboxOne has been unable to do.

Original Content

Gears 5 Escape Impressions

Yes, while Microsoft does have some impressive exclusives, they simply aren’t bountiful enough. Despite the fact that Microsoft has acquired a plethora of new studios means nothing. Sony has recognizable names. One Sony exclusive, such as Spider-ManDeath Stranding, and The Last of Us Part II will sell like hotcakes. The same cannot be said for Microsoft Studios games, except maybe Halo. Microsoft simply doesn’t have the big guns like it used to. Adding new studios will change nothing. Sure, a lot of these new games will be enjoyable, but will they be enough to convince people to buy an Xbox Scarlett? No. Microsoft is throwing all of their eggs in the Xbox Game Pass, but, that’s not going to cut it. Sony will surely come with something to counter.

When it’s all said and done, Sony will again dominate.

Brand Recognition

Sony is Lagging Behind But Will Still Beat Microsoft

The Xbox brand has dwindled over the past several years. The PlayStation 4 (not to mention the Nintendo Switch) have taken over. Regardless of the fact that Sony has had a lackluster year, that’s irrelevant. There are well more than double the amount of PlayStation 4s out there compared to Xbox Ones. People are going to purchase third-party games for the PS4 over the Xbox One, fact. Although Xbox has made all of these fantastic moves and are building up their brand, they don’t have anything coming out now, which is a major problem. Though they “unveiled” their latest console, not much was revealed besides boring specs and a release window. Sony may be meh right now, but Microsoft is in even rougher shape. They’re playing the long game but they’re going to lose, and the Nintendo Switch will take their market share. Sony and Nintendo have exclusives that Microsoft lacks.

Microsoft is Making the Same Mistakes

Microsoft Won E3 2018

Though Microsoft has revolutionized game streaming with Microsoft Game Pass, there’s not much more going on for the company as of right now. Gears 5 is coming out in two months, but other than that, nothing. Bleeding Edge does look cool. It seems they’re saving all the big guns for Project Scarlett, but that will be too little too late. Microsoft needs games, and momentum, now, or Sony will slaughter them next generation. Nintendo will pick up the rest of the market, being in a strong position with the Switch, and Microsoft will scrap for the leftovers.

The console gaming market is about to go through a huge shift, and if Microsoft doesn’t up their game, they are going to be on the losing side — this time for good.

About The Author


Morgan Lewis is a Video Game Journalist and is the Founder, Owner, and Editor-in-Chief of VGCultureHQ. He has been writing about games for eight years and has written 3,000 articles during that timeframe. He first fell in love with gaming when he received A Link to the Past for Christmas when he was six, and is the guywazeldatatt. He also loves anime and anything that has to do with gaming culture. He is a huge fan of Zelda, Xenosaga, Zero Escape, Star Wars, and Attack on Titan.

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