Attack on Titan: The Final Season’s trailer has a lot of small, subtle clues that point to where the show is going that you’ll miss if you blink. The shot of that young woman and her mother in what seems to be the distant past? Literally taken out of the very beginning of the Season Two opening.
There are a lot more things that are scattered throughout the trailer, and given most of the material in the trailer has already come to pass, looking at that would be a waste of time. Today, we’re to look at everything you may have missed and analyze what this may mean for our characters and the end of Attack on Titan.
Attack on Titan Trailer Analysis: Levi versus Zeke
Well, Levi did promise Erwin that he would kill Zeke, and this is something very personal for him. He and Erwin were best friends, or as much of a friend that Levi could have. That promise was Erwin’s last order to Levi. He has to kill Zeke, and as we see in the latest episode, Zeke will now be on Paradis Island. So the opportunity is there. From the trailer though, we get a confirmation of their “confrontation” (it doesn’t show Zeke in his Beast form.) We get confirmation he is indeed fighting Zeke in the picture below, screen-capped from the trailer.
Zeke is confirmed with Levi circling around to try to get him. We also get another epic shot of Levi surrounded by titans.

Levi about to go into Beast Mode
Is this where Levi meets his fate? Probably not, because we have this scene from the trailer that shows him badly injured, but alive.

Is Levi going to die?
Suffice to say, Zeke probably gets the upper hand on Levi Ackerman. There is another character tending to him, and we don’t know who that is as of yet. At this point, Levi’s fate for the anime series is uncertain, but we’ll be shocked if this is where he succumbs to those wounds.
Grisha Yeager

Grisha Wipes out The Reiss Family
At the end of season three, we see glimpses of a flashback Eren receives via the coordinate while kissing Historia’s hand during a ceremony. This moment is the most significant in the series as it informs everything that has yet to come; we just don’t know it yet. After that vision, Eren is different; stoic. It’s not that he doesn’t care, but his whole demeanor has changed. In the trailer we see parts from Eren’s vision, where Grisha begs the Reiss King to save the people of the walls. She refuses, and so Grisha defeats her and takes the Founding Titan from her. But that’s not all that happened..could it be? No doubt there is more that we didn’t see; we only saw glimpses. But somewhere in this moment in time, Eren sees something so terrifying that his expression turns to this.

Eren Kisses Historia’s Hand at the End of Season 3 and has a Vision
If this is such an important moment, there has to be more to it then, right? Well, there very well may be. Isayama wouldn’t point to this exact moment and have Eren on the verge of losing it after a simple vision. Up to this point, this is the most significant moment of the series. And, if this trailer gives any indication, we will get the answers for it within the first 16 episodes.

Faye, Grisha’s Sister
In addition to this, we have a glimpse yet again of Faye, Gisha’s sister’s, corpse after she was eaten by dogs. This is where the story started for the Yeager Family, and if we’re circling back to that once again, that showcases its importance. Where will the flashback take place though? Is it within a flashback to Grisha? We already know that there are some key scenes with Grisha. Perhaps this is the reminder he needs to finish carrying out his duty as a restorationist and usurp the Royal Famly and the King of the Walls.
Attack On Titan Trailer Analysis: Ymir Fritz

Ymir Fritz, Chapter 122
One thing that was surprising to see in the trailer was the Founder, Ymir Fritz. It appears that we are going to get a bit of her backstory, which will be interesting. Who is she? Where did she come from? How did she inherit the powers of the Titans? An interesting tidbit from above is that there are 13 fingers pointing at her. 13 fingers=13 years. But I digress. There are some crazy images here of Ymir Fritz and there are answers they unlock, but I suppose, what answers?

Ymir, from Chapter 122
Here is Ymir engulfed underwater. That’s not the interesting part. The interesting part is the parasite-looking glowing creature that looks like it’s about to latch onto her. Notice how it resembles a spinal cord? Interesting. And remember what Kruger said: he said that she could have simply been a girl who touched the source of all living matter. If this is it, this is how she got her titan powers. We don’t get any more of Ymir in the trailer, and she’s still shrouded in mystery, but, there are at least hints that she did not have a happy upbringing and this will be fleshed out.
Attack on Titan Trailer Analysis: PATHS

From Chatper 120
This is Eren in the PATHS world. Or, it appears to be Eren with the long hair. It’s interesting how PATHS takes the form of the Tree of Life, or something akin to it, and is basked in light. There’s not much to glean here, other than at least one of our characters will be entering this other-world in the flesh. How does this happen? Unknow. Attack on Titan: The Final Season’s trailer is short, but has a ton of information buried throughout, if you want to go looking.
This Final Season has many, many surprises left for us; all we can do is go along for the ride.