Underrated Anime: Binbougami ga! Brianna Barboza September 11, 2019 Anime, FeaturesEver wished everything went perfect for you? Explore that concept in Binbougami ga! Maybe somethings are better off as dreams.
Underrated Anime: Sword of the Stranger Brianna Barboza February 12, 2019 Anime, Features, Film, Reviews1Let's take another trip back in time to appreciate one of FUNimation's older anime movies, Sword of the Stranger!
Underrated Anime: Ghost Hound Brianna Barboza February 3, 2019 Anime, Features, Reviews, TelevisionOver ten years into the past, there are still some hidden gems we've missed. Ghost Hound is no exception.
Underrated Anime: BTOOOM! Brianna Barboza January 9, 2019 Anime, Features, Reviews, TelevisionAnime are always coming out every season, but some don't get a mention they deserve. VGCultureHQ's new underrated anime series, begins with a review of BTOOOM!