Bioware has posted a comparison of Commander Shepard from Mass Effect in the original games versus the Legendary Edition, and it’s startling. They already posted a few screenshots on their official site of the trilogy’s remaster, but to see how much they’ve improved Shepard is something else. It’s startling. And this is only the base Shepard. It doesn’t show a modified Shepard, though we’re confident that that will look just as good. Mass Effect originally came out in 2007 and is Bioware’s crowning achievement. It was always intended as a trilogy, and Mass Effect 2 came out in 2010, with Mass Effect 3 coming out in 2012. You can view the comparison between Shepard in the original version versus Shepard in the Legendary Edition below.
- Original
- Legendary Edition
- Original
- Legendary Edition
As you can see, the amount of detail in the Legendary Edition is startling. Considering how much Bioware is investing in this game, especially with all the enhancements to the first game, Mass Effect: Legendary Edition will most likely be the greatest remaster of all-time. Most remasters are a cash grab, but this one is justified. Fans have been waiting for a remastered edition of Mass Effect for years, and now they’re finally getting it. There’s no doubt that Bioware will deliver, and hopefully, this is the beginning of a new set of Mass Effect games that are actually good.